Art. 1 – The exhibition event “MACFRUT – 42st International Exhibition of systems, technologies and services for the production, conditioning, marketing and transport of the entire fruit and vegetable industry will take place from 6 to 8 May 2025. Specifically, from 9:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 May and from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Thursday 8 may 2025.
It will be held in Rimini at the Rimini Expo Centre – Via Emilia, 155, 47921 Rimini (RN), Italy, organised by Cesena Fiera S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as: the Organiser), with registered office in Via Dismano 3845, 47522 Cesena (FC), Italy, Share Capital €2,288,012 - Business Register of Forlì-Cesena No. 01954020408 - Economic and Administrative Index No. 260193 - Tax Code/VAT No. 01954020408 – Code SDI J6URRTW.
Art. 2 – The trade fair is dedicated to professional visitors who will have free admission to the event following registration, by registering online on the website, or at the ticket offices at the trade fair premises. All operators must give proof of membership in their professional sector by providing a business card or another document that proves their activity.
For further information on tickets, access modes for visitors, invitations for student classes and much more, please refer to the dedicated page available on
Art. 3 – The following are allowed to participate:
A)All categories of professionals in the fruit and vegetable sector;
1) In the Catalogue Sheet, in their reserved area, the representatives must provide a list of the Companies/Brands they represent and whose products and/or trademarks they intend to exhibit. The Organiser reserves the right, at any time, to request that exhibitors provide their agency agreements or documentation that proves this kind of relationship. If an agency agreement is not provided, the Organiser reserves the right to close the stand.
2) Exhibiting companies may request to host other companies (Co-exhibitors) at their stand and must specify this in the participation request. This, however, shall not entitle companies to any discount. The Organiser reserves the right to authorise or not to authorise the request. If the request is not submitted and/or if authorisation is not granted, the Organiser reserves the right to close the stand. As a result, any arising liability towards the hosted companies and/or towards any third parties shall be entirely borne by the host company and/or the promoter of any third parties.
B)Trade associations, financial institutions and organisations with the institutional role of carrying out promotional activities in the sector, research activities and dissemination of information in a specific field.
The application request must be filled out online on the website
The Organiser reserves the right to accept or refuse participation requests. The forms must be submitted to the Organiser, in their original copy, with means that prove that they have been received. Unless otherwise specified, the articles of these regulations shall be applicable to Participants purchasing an exhibition space and participants providing services.
Art. 4 – By submitting the participation request stamped and signed,
a) request to take part in the event in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the request;
b) unconditionally accept the provisions of these regulations;
c) choose the premises of the Organiser as their legal domicile, acknowledging the jurisdiction of the Court of Forlì-Cesena for any arising dispute;
d) recognise Italian as the official language of the above-mentioned documentation (to be used also for commercial communications) and the applicability of Italian law.
Art. 5 - The Organiser reserves the right not to accept participation requests if, when submitted, they are not supplemented by:
a) Downpayment:
- solution 1: for registration until 31st october 2024 - 15% of the total amount (as specified in the participation request)
- solution 2: for registration starting from 1st november 2024 - 30% of the total amount (as specified in the participation request), which shall be reimbursed if the request is rejected;
b) Participation request, duly filled out and signed in all parts, with the company’s stamp and signature of the legal representative, together with the unconditional acceptance of the provisions of the General Regulations.
By signing the participation request, applicants claim to be duly registered at the C.C.I.A.A. (Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture) of the jurisdiction in which they reside.
The deposit can be paid as follows:
1) bank transfer payable to Cesena Fiera S.p.A. Bank: CREDIT AGRICOLE CARIPARMA fil. PIEVESESTINA
IBAN code – IT27W0623023914000043315864 BIC /SWIFT code – CRPPIT2P198.
Please specify the reason for payment DEPOSIT MACFRUT 2025 and the name of the participating company;
2) non-transferable cheque made out to CESENA FIERA S.p.A.
Requests will be accepted until no more exhibition spaces are available, including those that can be set up, at the sole discretion and judgement of the management, in areas other than the halls (e.g. the South Hall, the large rotunda in the centre foyer, any outdoor areas, etc.).
All companies requesting an exhibition space equal or inferior to 16 sq. m. must compulsorily have the pre-set package provided by the Organiser.
The Organiser reserves the right to add to a waiting list any participation requests that are either incomplete or copies of the original form.
The right of the Organiser not to accept a participation request shall also be subject to the fulfilment of any due administrative payments. Any special requests regarding the position of the stand shall not be acknowledged as binding for participation. Exclusion of competition shall not be allowed. If the participation request is accepted, the Participant will be notified by e-mail of its acceptance.
The remaining amount must be paid by 1st March 2025 by bank transfer or non-transferable cheque payable to CESENA FIERA S.p.A.
If such payment is not made, the Organiser reserves the right not to allow the participating company, or any fitters appointed by the company, to set up the stand.
If the participation request is not accepted, the Organiser shall promptly notify the company, also explaining the reasons.
Participants providing services must submit the following documents:
a) Participation request, duly filled out and signed in all parts, with the company’s stamp and signature of the legal representative, together with the unconditional acceptance of the provisions of the General Regulations;
b) invoice for the services provided, as agreed with the Organiser of the trade fair; made out to Cesena Fiera S.p.A., with registered office in Via Dismano 3845, 47522 Cesena (FC), Italy - Tax Code/VAT no. 01954020408
The Organiser shall nevertheless be entitled not to accept the registration form if any due administrative payments have not been made.
Art. 6 – The allocation of exhibition spaces shall be arranged exclusively by the Organiser, taking into account:
§ The date of arrival of the request, including deposit payment;
§ Exhibition packages requested;
§ Surface of the exhibition space requested;
§ Number of years at Macfrut;
§ Technical requirements.
Any indications or requests made by the Exhibitor shall be purely indicative and shall not be binding or influence the Participation Request.
Participants will be able to see the allocated space in their reserved area, which shall be considered tacitly approved unless notified otherwise via email within 24 hours.
The Organiser shall have the right to move a stand that has already been assigned, or move it to another exhibition area, and the participant shall have no right to reimbursement or compensation of any kind.
Due to specific layout requirements for this event, the Organiser shall have the right, in its own judgement, to change/reduce the standard size of the aisles in certain halls, and in several areas inside the halls, without compromising the safety and accessibility of these areas and without making any exceptions for Participants.
Art. 7 – The Organiser shall reserve the right to:
a) move, vary or change the allocated area in the interest and for the successful outcome of the event;
b) to modify or reduce the space that has already been allocated, as well as to replace it with another area, at its unquestionable discretion and at any time (even during the Exhibition), should the plan of the Exhibition be modified and/or in any other case.
Art. 8 – It is prohibited to sublet or transfer the stand or part thereof, even if this is done free of charge, without prior authorisation from the Organiser.
Participants who, after countersigning the participation request specified in Article 5, should not be able to take part in the event or should request to reduce the allocated exhibition space, shall promptly inform the Organiser in writing, explaining the reasons. Should the participant decide not to take part in the event, the following rules will be applied:
Until 15th January 2025 | If the written cancellation reaches the Organizer no later than 15th January 2025, the penalty will be equal to an amount corresponding to the 15% of the total amount of the contract. |
From 16th January 2025 To 1st March 2025 | If the written cancellation reaches the Organizer from 16th January 2025 to 1st March 2025, the penalty will be equal to an amount corresponding to the 50% of the total amount of the contract. |
From 2nd March 2025 | If the written cancellation reaches the Organizer from the date of 2nd March 2025, penalty will be equal to an amount corresponding to the entire balance due as determined in the signed exhibiting proposal. |
If participation requests are signed after the above-mentioned deadline established for the payment of the due amount (1st March 2025), participants shall no longer be entitled to cancel, and shall be required to pay participation fees upon receipt of the related invoice.
If participants providing services should cancel, the provisions agreed in each case with the Organiser shall be applied.
Art. 9 – With regard to the set-up of stands, including the possible rental of materials required for this purpose, the Organiser reserves the right to grant the status of "authorised supplier" to one or more companies, whose names shall be promptly notified to Participants together with the prices for their services.
The Organiser declines any responsibility for works carried out by authorised suppliers and for any other service subcontracted to third parties.
With regard to the terms of supply, the provisions specified in the reserved area of the website, in the reference page of each service, shall apply. Please note that, when requesting services through this online procedure, the related regulations must be accepted each time, thus also approving the relevant terms and conditions.
Art. 10– Please note that, if the due amount should not be paid, the participating company and any stand fitters appointed by the company shall not be allowed to set up the stand.
If the due amount is not paid immediately, Participants in default shall no longer be entitled to take part in the event. In addition to withholding the deposit already paid and claiming the related due amount, the Organiser shall consider the exhibition space free and may allocate it to another Participant.
Stand fitters wearing their badges and complying with occupational safety and health regulations may proceed to set up the allocated exhibition areas ONLY on the following days and at the following times:
Wednesday 30 April from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Thursday 1 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Friday 2 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 3 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Sunday 4 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
After these dates, any remaining works or changes shall only be carried out with the authorisation of the Organiser with a dedicated surveillance service at the expense of the participating company, between closing times in the evening and opening times in the morning.
To request this service, the request must be submitted to the Technical Department of the Organiser by 12:00 p.m. on the day concerned.
Any extensions to working hours on the last day of set-up shall be subject to approval from the Technical Department, and shall only be granted in exceptional cases. The costs for such services are specified in the service section of the website, in the dedicated reserved area. Any changes or exchanges of exhibition spaces must be authorised by the Organiser and shall be carried out at the expense of the applicants.
Exhibitors wearing their badges and complying with occupational safety and health regulations may access the premises on the following days and at the following times:
Sunday 4 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Monday 5 May from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The timetables of the Administration Office of the Organiser will be announced near the beginning of the event.
Art. 11 - All participating companies shall be obliged to occupy the allocated area with a stand that has technical and aesthetic characteristics compatible with the overall image of the event and shall be provided with flooring.
The stand shall bear the name of the participating company.
Since the exhibition areas are not equipped with partition walls, each company shall be obliged, at its own expense, to set up fittings that separate it from adjacent Participants; walls higher than 2.5 metres must necessarily be finished on the side of the adjacent stand in white or light grey colour.
In any case, Participants shall be required to set up their stands and keep them in a way that does not negatively affect the overall look, obstruct visibility for adjacent stands, or cause any damage to other Participants; it is also mandatory that the entire structure of flags, roll-ups and similar remain within its own exhibition area.
All double-sided graphics must be positioned at a minimum distance of 2 metres from the border with adjacent stands.
The fittings shall not negatively affect the overall look and obstruct visibility for adjacent stands. In particular, in the case of island stands (4 open sides) and peninsular stands (3 open sides), the use of perimeter walls at the stands shall be limited: such walls or obstacles must not take up more than 30% of each side of the stand.
With regard to large exhibition spaces, which include areas to be used as hallways, as established in the standard floor plan of each hall, it is forbidden to obstruct such spaces with fittings, unless otherwise authorised by the Organiser.
Please note that, if demonstrations/ trials/ tests are to be carried out at the stand, any counters/ showcases/ fittings required for this purpose must necessarily be positioned at a distance of at least 1.5 metres from the visitor walkway, unless otherwise authorised by the Organiser.
Stand fittings must remain within the allocated area, which is clearly indicated on the ground, and their height must be restricted, except for specific cases authorised in writing by the Technical Department of the Organiser, as follows:
1) First row stands (facing the pools or, in the case of twin halls, stands facing the central hall), the maximum height shall not exceed 5 metres;
2) a. Second row stands (stands adjacent to the hall walls between the 2nd and 3rd emergency exit doors, central area), the maximum height shall not exceed 5.5 metres;
b. Second row stands (between the 2nd and 3rd emergency exit doors): the maximum height shall not exceed 4 metres;
3) Third row stands (after the 3rd emergency exit door): the maximum height shall not exceed 6 metres;
4) The maximum height of stands occupying Hall B5D5 shall not exceed 5 metres;
5) The maximum height of stands occupying the South Hall shall not exceed 4 metres;
6) For stands in halls with even numbers, the maximum height shall not exceed 5 metres.
Notwithstanding the specifications in sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, the machinery exhibited shall not be subject to height restrictions, as long as the hall is high enough.
The Technical Department also reserves the right, in its own judgement, to authorise the implementation of graphic elements only and fittings hung at heights exceeding those specified in sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, provided that they do not obstruct visibility for adjacent stands.
The graphic elements and hanging structures must be assembled on the ground and raised by using motorised or manual lifting equipment.
Stands on two levels shall also be available:
a) in areas located in the 2nd and 3rd rows (except for stands placed against walls), provided that their width does not exceed 50% of the total surface of the stand and not wider than 50 sq. m.
Therefore, stands on two levels are not allowed in the 1st row.
In both cases, the maximum heights established for each group must be respected, as specified in sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of this article.
At its sole discretion, the Technical Department of the Organiser shall reserve the right to approve designs with sizes exceeding the above-mentioned limits or with different features.
Participants will have to register their fitter within the exhibitor’s reserved area.
The fitter will then have to upload the set-up project in the exhibitor’s reserved area by the deadline scheduled (please find it in the schedule of deadlines on, which shall be subject to approval by the Technical Department of the Organiser.
Please note that the Technical Department will request additional documentation to be provided for non-standard set-ups, in the cases specified on the technical regulations.
Any liability regarding stand setup shall be borne by the Participant, which shall not expressly hold the Organiser liable for any damage caused to itself or third parties due to installation faults arising from incorrect calculations or imperfect construction. The Organiser reserves the right to require changes to be made to the fittings or to have them removed if installed without approval or if non-compliant with the approved design. The Organiser shall be obliged to check compliance with such characteristics beforehand and, in case of non-compliance, the exhibitor shall be required to comply with the obligations specified above. If the exhibiting company should fail to comply with the above, the Organiser shall have the right to reject its participation in the event and to claim, as compensation for damage, payment of the full amount for the exhibition space.
Communications regarding gaps, defects or delay in delivery of the stands from the participating companies which make use of the set up service provided by Cesena Fiera shall be taken into consideration only if submitted in writing, to be sent within the day after the discovery and in any case within the end of the exhibition.
Art. 12 – Participants agree not to damage the plaster and flooring and to use trestles or frames to hang up or hold objects. When setting up their stand, Participants (or their representatives) shall be obliged to use water-based paint only.
Any damage must be reimbursed: the materials exhibited shall serve as a guarantee of this. In fact the Organiser shall have the right to retain them, unless other possible forms of compensation have been agreed upon.
Art. 13 – All the materials to be used for setting up the exhibition spaces (partitions, back walls, various fittings, platforms, coverings, fabrics, ceilings, drapings, carpeting, etc.) must be FIREPROOF, PRODUCED ACCORDING TO FIRE REGULATIONS OR MADE FIREPROOF AFTERWARDS pursuant to current regulations and subsequent integrations and amendments. For this purpose, Participants shall be required to submit to the Technical Department of the Organiser, prior to the start of the event, “Form A- Fire Prevention” duly and correctly completed in its entirety.
A copy of “Form A-Fire Prevention” and its associated certificates must be kept at the stand in the event of checks.
Each stand must be equipped with fire extinguishers with a capacity of no less than 34° 233BC, and with a rate of 1 per 100 sq. m. of exhibition space. The fire extinguisher must be placed in a central position inside the stand, in full view and ready for use.
Failure to observe the safety and prevention measures shall entitle the Organiser:
- to prohibit non-compliant fitters from operating at the Trade Fair Centre;
- to exclude Participants from taking part in the event.
All expenses for electrical systems within the stand shall be entirely borne by Participants, which shall be required to install them “up to standard” in compliance with current regulations.
All the components of the electrical system must comply with IEC standards and bear the Italian IMQ quality certification or its equivalent for Foreign Countries.
Following the installation of the systems at the stands, all Participants and Fitters shall be required to provide the Technical Department of the Organiser with “Form B- Electrical Systems”, which certifies the compliance of these systems with the applicable standards, by duly and correctly filling out the annexes (electrician’s certificate of registration with the CCIAA, declaration of compliance up to standard of the electrical system, former Ministerial Decree no. 37/2008 and the project if necessary).
A copy of all the documentation will have to be kept at the stand.
The electrical systems may only be connected to the grid of IEG Rimini Fiera exclusively by the official electricians of IEG Rimini Fiera after acceptance of the original copy of form B.
Art. 14 - Participants shall be required to observe the current provisions regarding occupational safety and, in particular, the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent integrations and amendments, and to comply with the DUVRI of the Organiser, which is available for download on the event’s website.
When entrusting parties to carry out stand set-up or dismantling works, or any other activity to be performed at the trade fair centre, Participants shall also be required to observe the following:
1) Participants will have to register the company/companies in charge of setup in their dedicated exhibitor area. If participants should set up their own stand, they will be classified as "Fitters". By “Fitter” we mean the party that has to actually bring their own operational staff to the trade fair during assembly and dismantling;
2) to verify the technical-professional qualifications of contractors and self-employed workers in relation to the work to be contracted or carried out through a service contract (Leg. Decree no. 81/2008 and subsequent amendments and additions);
3) to provide these same parties with detailed information regarding the specific risks that may arise in the environment in which they will be working, as well as information on prevention and emergency measures to be taken for their activities;
4) to coordinate protection and prevention measures against the risks to which workers are exposed, by exchanging information in order to avoid any risks due to interference between the activities carried out by the companies involved in the overall implementation works. Participants shall be required to promote a coordinated action, also sending their suppliers/ fitters/ contractors a copy of the DUVRI (Document on the Assessment of Risk from Interference of the Organiser) drawn up by the Organiser.
5) Stand Fitters, in any case, shall be required to submit their own POS (Operational Safety Plan) or DUVRI (in case of subcontracting) with reference to the activities carried out, which must remain available at the workplace. By accepting the General Regulations, Participants declare having carefully read the contents of the DUVRI of the Organiser, and agree to comply with its provisions and to submit a copy to their suppliers/ fitters/ contractors.
6) The Fitter must send in advance the list of companies involved in setup operations to the Technical Department of the Organiser, along with the documents attesting their technical and professional requirements, by uploading it on the fitters’ reserved area. Each company must register its workers, so that they can be granted access to the trade fair premises during assembly and dismantling.
Art. 15 – Participants shall be obliged to return the exhibition space in the state it was in at the time it was occupied, therefore free from any adhesive tape, scrap materials, waste, etc.
The IEG Rimini Fiera Expo Centre carries out separate waste collection. Participants shall be required, during their time at the trade fair, to dispose of separated waste (paper, glass, PVC, plastic and cans) in the appropriate recycling areas located in each hall. General waste, instead, may be disposed of in the bins found in the aisles or outside the stands at closing times.
The cafés and restaurant areas inside the trade fair centre are equipped for the disposal of biodegradable products and use food serving products (plates, glasses, cutlery, etc.) made of biodegradable materials. Therefore, all biodegradable waste (food residues, plates, glasses, cutlery, etc.) produced in the restaurant areas must be disposed of in the appropriate containers for biodegradable waste located on site.
Art. 16 – Stands may not be dismantled, neither entirely nor partially, and the exhibited materials may not be removed before the end of the event.
Participants who violate this rule shall be required to pay a contractual fine equal to half the gross rental fee for the stand. At the stands, activities involving the removal of samples, products and manufactured goods may be carried out, using only hand trucks/pallet jacks, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on 8 May 2025, after showing the EXIT CARD.
On this date, in any case, we recommend removing any valuable, fragile or easily transportable items from the stands.
Stand dismantling shall be carried out on the following days and at the following times:
Friday 9 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 10 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.;
Participating companies allocated in pavilions A, C and Hall Sud must proceed with the dismantling no later than Friday 9 May 2025 at 6 p.m.
In addition, we specify the possibility of starting dismantling for Pavilions A, C and Hall Sud starting from:
Thursday 8 May from 7.00 p.m. to midnight.
After these deadlines, if Participants have not completed all dismantling operations, the Organiser may proceed on its own initiative, and at the expense, risk and in behalf of Participants. Thirty days after the end of the trade fair, the Organiser shall be entitled to sell, without any formality whatsoever, the exhibited materials and samples that have not been collected by Participants. As payment for the fees owed by Participants, the Organiser shall keep the sum obtained from the sale. This remaining amount shall be kept at the Participant’s disposal for a maximum period of 6 days, after which the Organiser shall confiscate it.
Please note that, with reference to all of the above, the Organiser shall not be held liable, in any way, in case of damage to materials during the dismantling stage, during their removal, or during the period when they are left unattended at the trade fair centre.
Art. 17 – the Organiser shall be entitled to change the duration, opening and closing date, and the daily opening hours of the Trade Fair. This right does not bind the Organiser to pay participants any overall reimbursements or compensations of any kind.
Exhibitors may access the Trade Fair Centre one hour before opening times (8:30 a.m.) and must leave the venue at closing times. The Organiser may, on request, authorise extension of stay or early entry behind payment.
Art. 18 - All exhibition spaces are kept easily visible and accessible.
Below the registration packages available:
Only area fees (rental of the bare area inside the halls) |
| Only Red Area | Only Green Area within 96 sqm | Only Green Area over 96,50 sqm |
Standard fees | 160,00 € | 140,00 € | 120,00 € |
Early booking fees (within 31.10.2024) | 150,00 € | 130,00 € | 110,00 € |
The distinction between red area and green area can be found at the beginning of the registration process.
Prefitted set up (including rent of the area, BASIC setup, 1 kw single-phase electric power ) |
| Area + stand BASIC 16 sqm | Area + stand BASIC 32 sqm | Area + stand PLUS 32sqm |
Standard fees | 3.900,00 € | 6.900,00 € | 8.350,00 € |
Early booking fees (within 31.10.2024) | 3.400,00 € | 6.400,00 € | 7.900,00 € |
Please note that the storeroom of the prefitted setup has a master key lock.
All participating companies shall be required to pay a Registration Fee amounting to €600 (including: insurance as specified in Art. 23, listing in the catalogue, exhibitor badge according to the number of sq. m. purchased, 1 parking card, Wi-Fi connection for 5 devices and business matching platform access). In the event of one or more co-exhibitors, the registration fee amounts to € 800 for each co-exhibitor.
Stand cleaning is not included in the registration fee and can be requested during the registration phase or in the exhibitor’s reserved area, by indicating the stand size purchased, later than assignment received.
Registration fee for Represented Companies €100 (for products and information material to be displayed by the Participant at the stand of the company represented by the Participant).
All rates do not include VAT.
The Organiser reserves the right to add additional packages to the fees listed above. In any case, the generated contract will always depend on the customer’s choice.
Art. 19 – Any due payments for the services requested must be made by bank transfer (see bank account details in Art. 5) or non-transferable cheque payable to CESENA FIERA S.p.A. with direct remittance. With regard to the technical services already included in the participation offer, these must be paid according to the same terms as for the occupation of the exhibition space (deposit plus due amount) as specified in Art. 5.
Any due amount for the services that have already been requested by any Represented and/or Hosted Companies at the stands of Promoting Institutions must be made to the Organiser exclusively by the Promoter concerned, according to the terms and conditions described above.
Please note that starting from 15 March 2025, all fees for the services will be subject to a 20% surcharge.
From 28 April 2025, services may no longer be purchased from the reserved area on the website.
From 30 April 2025, participants will be able to purchase services at the S.A.T.E. office at the Trade Fair Centre only, to be paid for at the time the request is made; please note that the fees will be subject to an additional 10% surcharge.
Services requested after 15 March 2025 will not be reimbursed in any way.
Before the beginning of the exhibition and in any case not later than 5 p.m of the last day of exhibition, an e-mail will be sent to Participants so that they can download their EXIT CARD, which is necessary to begin stand dismantling operations and to remove the exhibited products; participants must show this card at the entrance gates to allow each vehicle to enter and exit the premises.
If the invoiced amounts should not be paid, the Organiser shall be authorised not to issue the “Exit Card”, thus also withholding, as a right of compensation, any goods and fitting materials located at the company’s stand.
Art. 20 – The Organiser offers each Participant an entry card called “Exhibitor Badge”, available free of charge, in a number proportional to the square metres requested, as shown below:
until 15 sq.m. à 4 badges
from 16 to 32 sq. m. à6 badges
from 33 to 64 sq. m. à12 badges
from 65 to 96 sq. m. à18 badges
from 97 to 128 sq. m. à24 badges
over 128 sq. m. à30 badges
All co-exhibitors shall be entitled to 2 badges, regardless of the number of square metres requested by the participating company.
In the reserved area, a card page will be activated where it will be possible to print the cards independently.
With these cards, participants can:
a) enter the premises on the following setup days:
Sunday 4 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Monday 5 May from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
b) enter during the three days of the event from 8:30 a.m. until the closing time
c) enter during the dismantling phase:
Friday 9 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 10 May from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.;
Participating companies allocated in pavilions A, C and Hall Sud must proceed with the dismantling within 6.00 p.m. on Friday 9 May 2024.
These cards are strictly personal and may not be transferred, not even temporarily.
Art. 21 – The Trade Fair Centre is equipped with various parking areas, some of which are specifically reserved for exhibitors. Each exhibitor (including co-exhibitors) is entitled to a parking card, as per contract, regardless of the sq.m. requested from the participating company.
Such parking cards are valid exclusively for CAR parking during the exhibition days.
the parking card can be downloaded directly from the exhibitor reserved area.
Art. 22– The Organiser, without being obliged to undertake any custody, commitments, or responsibilities, shall provide a night hour surveillance service:
from 8:00 p.m. on Monday, 5 May 2025 to 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, 10 May 2025.
Regardless of this, during the opening times of the Trade Fair Centre, Participants must supervise their stand and the products exhibited either directly or through their employees.
The Organiser shall be exempt from any obligation of custody for any products, materials, equipment, machinery, etc. brought to the stands of the Participants. The Organiser shall not be held liable in case of theft or damage to such items due to causes not attributable to force majeure, during the setup phase, during the event itself, and during stand dismantling.
Art. 23 – The Organiser shall not be held liable for any damage to people or property, caused by anyone or in any way. By accepting to participate in the event, the Organiser shall automatically provide each participating company with insurance coverage, as follows:
What it insures: goods, equipment, furnishings, including the value of the stand for a total amount of €26,000.
Duration of coverage: period of permanence of valuables at the Trade Fair Centre, also during stand setup and dismantling.
Excess: fixed and percentage excess are applied according to the event/incident suffered, as per the policy signed by the organising company.
How to report damaged items: the insured party (individual participant) must notify, in writing within 48 hours after the incident, the Insurance Company (AON S.p.A.) and the Organiser.
What it insures: civil liability for Participants and their staff during the exhibition, including stand setup (excluding operations involving the loading and unloading of goods/materials) and dismantling operations, as well as any demonstrations and trials. All other Participants shall be considered third parties. The insurance shall not cover damage to personal property and items kept in custody for any reason.
Maximum liability: €1,500,000 for each incident with a limit of €1,500,000 per person suffering bodily injuries and €500,000 for damage to property.
(*) In case of discrepancies, the ONLY VALID DOCUMENTS shall be the MULTI-RISK Insurance Policy for EXHIBITORS - PARTICIPANTS and the THIRD PARTY CIVIL LIABILITY Insurance Policy registered at the Organiser’s premises. The amount of the insurance is included in the Registration Fee (see Art. 18). Participants, however, shall be able to directly arrange the insurance coverage they believe is most appropriate and convenient for them, regardless of any arrangements previously made by the Organiser. In fact, Participants shall not hold the Organiser liable in any way for the presence of goods, equipment, furnishings, stands, etc. at the trade fair premises.
Art. 24 – Pursuant to Law no. 3 of 16 January 2003 and to the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 23 December 2003, smoking is strictly prohibited on the premises of the Trade Fair Centre. The smoking ban shall be indicated by appropriate signs bearing the phrasing "NO SMOKING", together with information on the related legislation, the penalties applicable to offenders and the parties in charge of ensuring the ban is observed, also assessing infringements. Such signs can be found at the entrances of the Trade Fair Centre and in the main areas. Other smoking ban signs are also present on the premises, bearing only the phrasing "NO SMOKING". Offenders shall be required to pay an administrative penalty for an amount from €25 to €250. The amount of the penalty shall be doubled if the violation is committed in the presence of visibly pregnant women or infants or children up to the age of 12.
The smoking ban shall be applied to electronic smoking devices too.
Municipal Police agents, Judicial Police and the officials of this Institution shall be in charge of ensuring the ban is observed and of assessing related infringements. Smoking shall be permitted only in the outdoor areas of the Trade Fair Centre and along the porches located outdoors, which are pointed out with specific signs.
Art. 25 – NB:
a) The amount of alcohol administered to visitors for tasting purposes only must be moderate.
b) It is also forbidden to take glasses, bottles and/or other glass objects away from the stands: such objects shall be placed in areas accessible exclusively to the staff of the participating company.
c) Any drinks and/or food provided to visitors or offered as a free gift or sample must mandatorily comply with Italian and European legislation, especially in terms of safety, personal health and their placing on the market.
d) Therefore, Participants shall personally bear any burden or responsibility also towards third parties in general in the case of false statements or for any damage arising from tastings/offers of products, which do not comply with legal requirements, thus entirely exempting the Organiser in this respect.
All participating companies shall therefore be required to comply with the above-mentioned safety standards and according to the legal provisions of the Covid-19 protocol, otherwise they shall bear all related responsibilities.
Art. 26 – All exhibited vehicles must be brand new and approved, or in the process of being approved for registration. Registration shall not be required for prototypes, which shall bear a specific sign explicitly indicating that it is a "prototype".
The machinery exhibited must not contain flammable liquids in its tanks. It may also not be operated without prior written consent from the Organiser, which shall assess, in each case and in its own judgement, whether to grant this opportunity or not.
If authorisation is given, this shall neither imply that the Organiser shall be held liable, nor shall it, however, exempt Participants from any liability regarding the operation of such machinery. Therefore, Participants must take all the precautions and measures necessary to prevent any accidents or fires, reduce noises, eliminate bad odours and avoid gas emissions. It is strictly prohibited to operate machinery or equipment involving the use of flames. In any case, the machinery must not prove to be a risk or cause disturbance to others.
The Organiser reserves the right to revoke, in its own judgement, any authorisation given as mentioned above, if there is a chance that incidents of any kind may occur.
If the machinery or equipment must comply with the laws or regulations in force, Participants must have them examined at their own responsibility and expense in order to obtain the related authorisation from the competent Authorities.
Art. 27 - In general, Participants shall not be allowed to use devices reproducing music or sounds. Any exceptions must be authorised by the Organiser and shall not exempt Participants from complying, at their own responsibility and expense, with the provisions of current legislation in terms of copyright, for which they shall bear full responsibility.
All participating companies that have submitted a regular request/form to the Organiser for the use of sound-emitting equipment (including sound-emitting equipment for the use of microphones, loudspeakers, etc.) shall operate at a noise level that ensures a suitable atmosphere during the course of business activities, which shall also be lower than what is prescribed by current regulations on this matter (Legislative Decree no. 81/2008, Title VIII, Chapter II). In any case, the noise level established by the Organiser shall always be lower than 80 decibels. Please note that the amplification system for sound emission needs to be separated from the system also used for lighting and the remaining machinery. Moreover, the loudspeakers must be directed towards the inside of the stand and not towards the outside.
The Organiser shall be entitled to demand (through written or oral notification from its staff) that Participants contain noise levels to decibels lower than those specified above if the Organiser, at its sole discretion and exclusive judgement, believes that the noise level produced by equipment or various machinery of the Participants involved may cause damage and/or disturb the activities carried out by other operators in their proximity. Sound levels will be checked by means of a sound level meter along the perimeter of the stand by personnel authorised by the Organiser.
In the event of non-compliance with the above provisions, including non-compliance with any demand to reduce noise levels to lower decibels than those specified in the first paragraph, the following penalties shall be imposed on defaulting Participants:
a) a verbal warning in the case of first infringement;
b) a written warning in the case of a second infringement;
c) After a third infringement, the power supply shall be interrupted (the participating company shall have no right to reimbursement or to receive compensation of any kind). The power supply shall be interrupted after having given 15 minutes notice and may last up to 3 hours, at the sole discretion of the Organiser. The Organiser shall not be held liable for any damage, of any kind or nature, caused by the participating company and/or exhibited materials, and from the application of the penalties established in the event of non-compliance with the provisions of this article.
Notwithstanding the above-mentioned provisions and the commitment of the Organiser to ensure that all Participants are compliant, the Organiser shall not be held liable in any way if, due to a possible illegal conduct of the Participant, any damage should be caused to other operators. Such matters must be solved directly by the Participants involved, thus exempting the Organiser from any burden and/or responsibility.
Art. 28 – The advertising media are managed by the Organiser, which shall have the right to implement, at its sole discretion, any advertising solution it deems appropriate. Various solutions and implementation methods will be available on the website.
After evaluating requests from customers, the Organiser reserves the right to add new advertising media that have not already been specified, in compliance with the rules set out in the following paragraphs. While Participants have total freedom in implementing advertising activities at their stand, it shall be prohibited for them to carry out any kind of advertising that may disturb or create direct comparison with other Participants or that, in any way, is detrimental to the trade-oriented spirit of the exhibition. In detail, it shall be prohibited for participating companies to:
a) implement any kind of advertising in the areas inside and outside the trade fair centre that are not carried out at their stand;
b) distribute advertising materials outside their own exhibition space;
c) distribute any kind of leaflets or advertising media outside the stand areas allocated, both inside and outside the trade fair centre;
d) display any signs and/or samples, even for information purposes, on behalf of companies that are not listed in the registration form and not represented;
e) any show or entertainment initiative, of any kind or nature, even if confined to the stand or aimed at presenting products, without prior authorisation from the Organiser.
Specifically, it shall be forbidden for all participant companies (including exhibitors, co-exhibitors, hosted companies and represented companies) to publish logos or trademarks on the official advertising materials of the Organiser other than those previously and necessarily agreed upon with the Organiser.
Notwithstanding the afore-mentioned clauses, any form of propaganda and advertising outside the allocated exhibition space shall be allowed only if previously authorised by the Organiser and subject to payment of the fees indicated in the published price lists. Any liability arising from the content of advertisements shall remain the full and sole responsibility of the participating company.
Subject to compliance with the above-mentioned restrictions, the participating company shall have the full and exclusive burden and civil, administrative and criminal liability for any advertising activities carried out. Participating companies shall therefore be fully held liable towards other Participants and/or third parties in general with regard to the contents of advertising messages or for the violation of regulations, including those regarding competition. Failure to comply with the above-mentioned prohibitions shall result in Participants being required to pay, as a penalty, a sum amounting to €2,000 (two thousand) for each act that violates the above-mentioned provisions and ascertained by the Organiser, which shall reserve the right for any further compensation claims for the most damage incurred.
Art. 29 – It shall be strictly prohibited to sell with the clause "immediate delivery" or to provide services at a charge. Participants shall bear full responsibility in the case of violation of such prohibition, excluding any burden and/or responsibility attributable to the Organiser.
Any disputes concerning relations with other professionals attending the event, and arising from the above-mentioned violation, must be resolved directly between the Participants involved, thus exempting the Organiser from any burden and/or responsibility in this respect.
Art. 30 – Without taking on commitments or responsibilities of any kind, the Organiser shall oversee the distribution of free copies of the Official Catalogue featuring the information gathered from the data entered in the catalogue, in the reserved area on the website, at the latest by 01 March 2025.
The data can be entered in the catalogue once the exhibitor’s reserved area access are received.
The data provided in the Catalogue shall also be used to enter the list of companies in the guide map.
If Participants should not submit the forms mentioned above by this deadline, the Organiser shall publish the data already in its possession relating to previous editions. Participants shall bear full responsibility for the data provided in these forms, which will be entered in the catalogue, exempting the Organiser from any responsibility with regard to any false statements made.
Any other technical or advertising-related information may be added by Participants, upon request and at a charge.
In particular, the company name and the products of represented companies participating in the exhibition in the spaces allocated to the representative, may be entered in the catalogue at a charge of €100 for each company name entered.
The catalogue of the event is the only official publication made by the organisers.
Any other publication for advertising purposes carried out by private individuals, except for official publications made by the Organiser, shall not be authorised.
Art. 31– Participants shall bear full responsibility with regard to the ownership of rights on trademarks and other distinctive features, patents, industrial inventions, industrial designs and copyrights concerning all exhibited products and/or machinery. The Participants shall therefore exempt the Organiser from any burden and responsibility in the event of violation of such rights, and in any case of violation of the rules aimed at safeguarding competition, both towards other Participants and towards third parties in general. Any disputes in this respect between Participants, or between Participants and third parties, must be solved directly by the parties involved, thus exempting the Organiser from any burden and/or responsibility.
Art. 32 – The Organiser claims as its exclusive property, in addition to the event’s trademarks and all its trademarks in general, also the name “MACFRUT - International Exhibition of systems, technologies and services for the production, conditioning, marketing and transport of fruit and vegetables” with all its variations, abbreviations, simplifications and initials. It shall be prohibited for anyone to use them without prior written consent from the Organiser.
Art. 33 – If, for any reason, including force majeure, the Exhibition cannot take place and/or is postponed, confirmation of participation will be automatically cancelled and the Organiser may retain the fee paid by the participant for the next edition of the Exhibition or, if need be, reimburse such fee to the participant.
If, instead, the Exhibition should be suspended after its opening date, the following shall apply:
a) in case of cancellation due to force majeure, Participants are not entitled to a refund;
b) in any other case, the Organiser shall reimburse Participants the rental fees in proportion to the duration of loss of use. The Organiser shall not be obliged to pay any refunds or compensation of any kind for any of the previous hypothetical cases.
Art. 34 – Communications and complaints of any kind shall be taken into consideration only if submitted in writing. The Organiser shall decide on such matters and shall apply definitive and unquestionable measures.
Art. 35 – Conferences, competitions, business meetings and events may be organised by registered exhibitors during the Exhibition, subject to authorisation by the Organiser.
The Organiser shall not be held liable in any way if one or more business meetings scheduled should not take place, as well as if negotiations between buyers and Participants should not be successful. Any relationship between these parties shall be handled exclusively by the parties themselves with total exemption of the Organiser.
Art. 36 – The Organiser reserves the right to integrate, at any time, the General Regulations of the event with provisions aimed at managing the activities during the exhibition. Such provisions shall be mandatory for all Participants, since they are an integral part of these regulations.
If Participants and their employees should fail to observe the provisions contained in the General Regulations, this may lead the officials and staff of the Organiser not only to close the stand immediately, but also to withdraw entry cards to the trade fair centre and prohibit the Participant from accessing the areas where the stand is located. In such case, Participants shall not be entitled to any refunds or compensation but shall be obliged, instead, to pay any moral or material damage due to non-compliance on their part.
PHOTOGRAPHY DISCLAIMER PURSUANT TO LAW no. 633 of 22 April 1941 and subsequent amendments
Art. 37 – The Organiser reserves the exclusive right for any reproduction by means of photos, videos, drawings or other means, of both the trade fair complex and, specifically, of its stands. Only photographers authorised by the Organiser may operate in the exhibition halls. Participants expressly authorise the Organiser, through the photographers appointed by the latter, to take pictures of themselves, of their stand and of the exhibited products. The Organiser may use such photographs not only for journalistic/communication purposes but also for promotional/commercial purposes. Such materials shall not be used in contexts prohibited by law or that may damage the parties involved and their dignity. The layout and use of images for the above-mentioned purposes is to be considered carried out entirely free of charge. Photographs shall be processed by the Organiser in full compliance with Legislative Decree no. 193/2003.
The firm’s legal representative
(stamp and signature)
In particular, the provisions of the following articles of the General Regulations are expressly accepted pursuant to Art. 1341 of the Italian Civil Code and the provisions of the articles of the General Regulations specified herein:
Art. 3-4-5-6-7-8 (commitment or renunciation to participate);
Art. 9-10-16 (occupation and dismantling of the stand);
Art.13-14 (safety standards - fire prevention - electrical system);
Art.21 (exemption from liability for parking);
Art.22-23 (surveillance - insurance).
Art.31-32 (intellectual and industrial property)
Art.33-34 (suspension, cancellation, postponement)
The firm’s legal representative
(stamp and signature)